Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DSE 6 Hour Distance Classic Mini Race Report, San Francisco, CA. Event date: July 10, 2011

My 1st ever DSE finisher's ribbon for completing the 6 Hour Distance Classic.

  1. I was very happy with the number of laps completed and my mileage.  Mentally, I was fried completing 22 loops (1.061 mile per loop).  It was the first time I had gone around in circles that many times for a single event, so I really didn't know what to expect going in.
  2. Had I had another 3 minutes, I could have completed another lap.
  3. My wallet was also incredibly happy my event registration fee was $10, not including the pesky fees.

Course wise:  23.34 miles completed  (22 x 1.061)
Garmin:  24.25 miles completed

More than 50% dirt trail.  It was a 1.061 mile loop around part of Crissy Field in the Presidio.  It was relatively flat with 1 very tiny hill.

Along the way, some pebbles fell into my shoes, but I didn't stop to empty them out.  I will definitely wear gaiters next time

The Golden Gate Bridge, the Palace of Fine Arts and Alcatraz were in the backdrop.

Course Highlights:
  1. A caterpillar crossed my path during 1 of my laps.  Usually, I wouldn't be that excited, but being mentally fried from completing so many laps, it was a highlight along the way.
  2. Also, because it was a loop course, I passed and got passed by a few familiar faces, including Endorphin Dude and Ultra Woof.

It was windy on one side, while it was hot and congested on the other side.

Net guestimate calories burned:  1,222


  1. Great effort Mae! And I can totally understand the excitement a caterpillar would bring. I find four laps around a loop to be boring enough. I can't imagine 22!

  2. @Glenn - Thanks. Hopefully, if I do this one again next year, the caterpillar would bring a friend. :)
