Saturday, October 16, 2010

2010 Nike Women's Marathon Packet Pick Up.

I made it to the Nike Women's Marathon Expotique on Thursday late afternoon/eventing to pick up my packet.

Nike Women's Expotique, Union Square, San Francisco, CA.

It was much more crowded than last year.  The line was 2 blocks going in waiting for the Expotique to open.  And, as I got nearer to the front of the line, more folks got in line that it was again 2 blocks long getting in.

Once inside the tent, it was very obvious the venue was too small for the number of folks who had shown up.  It was chaotic.  There were lines everywhere, and it was difficult at times to figure out what the lines were for and where the lines were going.

My packet pickup was anything but smooth.  I missed a station only to be sent back from a further station.  I then got a wrong set of directions from someone with credentials on. 

Fortunately, I came across and recognized Aileen, who has worked some of the Nike events.  She led me passed a "No Entry" point to get the item I had missed.  Without her, I would have been forced to exit, reenter and (gulp) start in the back of a horrendous line

Thank you very, very much, Aileen.

My schedule for this week is packed, so I'll try to have the rundown posted before the end of next week.

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