Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Run, then Went to the Gym. Mentally, Feeling Lost Running-Wise. November 1, 2011

I wanted to go on a long run today, but it was too hot.  The air was also unusually dry.

4.29 miles @ 0:51:51 with 1 hill along the way

Weights, free weights and abs in 0:30:00

Also, walked 5.45 miles.

Guestimate calories burned:  935


Mentally, I am feeling lost running-wise.  For some time, I had several half marathons on my running calendar, so I knew what my running schedule should be.  Now that all those races are completed, I am in a state of uncertainty what runs and distances should be done on what days.

On the positive side of things, I do not have the post-race blues, and I am not physically injured.

With the holidays coming up, there aren't many running events which I am interested in, but I may run in a Turkey Trot to try to keep some of the holiday pounds off.

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